Friday, September 26, 2008

The story of Wilson

Wilson when young loved the lights,
and all that,which was glistening and bright
He loved the sun, he loved the moon
he loved the dawn break into noon.
He loved the rainbow rising steep,
He loved the dew drops on the leaf.

Wilson when young loved morning walks
so each morning without fail..
he woul trail..
the fleeing leaves, the impish wind
and on his way would joyfully sing.

But one such morning when Wilson went out
he felt his heart thumping loud..
he felt ill,he felt vexed..
as though some frightful loss he had met..
And then he saw his soul fly out
he saw it vicious, he saw it black
his heart went numb his body slack.

The soul conjoined his shadow,
its flaming eyes were hollow
devoid of joy, devoid of warmth,
devoid of any feeling strong.
The frightful sight made wilson shriek,
he ran as fast as his knees; weak,
could take him.
He ran back home and locked the gate,
hid himself,wept disconsolate,
his heart felt weak,his body cold
he sat alone without a soul.

The morning stil brightens with the birds twitter,
and the stream near by still glitters,
in the sunlight bright.
But wilson is never seen out
Playing in the wind or looking at the rain clouds.
He's scared his soul might haunt him again
He stays in covers all day,
he escapes the light
And haunts the darkness of the night

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Being bored and fat!!

Today is one of those days when the thoughts refuse to flow...they congeal (just like fat) in some unknown corner of the brain and refuse to stiumulate the brain actually munching on haldirams nutcracker,hoping ill be able to produce something by the time i get done with this packet!!I simply love nutcracker and its the best snack with some chilled beer..the outer covering is crispy,tangy and spicy and the peanut inside is well roasted and sweet.That reminds me; today in the morning too i had a packet of some really tasty bikaji chips my classmate had got for us....i think they are new in the market.
I had planned a low calorie and high excercise schedule for myself last week to slim down before my cousins wedding, but sadly it has only remained a plan.. and with all these packets of chips i dont see my plans culminating into my goal.
That was the last nut and its in my mouth now, no significant thoughts yet..Sigh...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On a serious note..

My last post put this thought in my head...i couldnt find an answer to please help me..
What is the antonym for journey?? A journey has a destination...but what if you dont know your destination and you still ought to move ahead.. what do you call that state??

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Journey..little too long.

I undertook a journey
assured i will emerge..egress from middling
Leave a trail to examplar.

So i geared up the little boat, i thought it was strong
To bear the turbulent river.. to carry me along.
And during the journey,i met the bright sun,
sometimes it warmed my body,
at times it gave me burns.
I met the rain clouds some dulcet,some raging..
Some gave me delight others left me wailing.

And sometimes at a distance i saw few other boats
they gave me company and shared my load..
But then the routes diverged so i had to leave
Set out alone again, my own way weave.

But its been too long and im tired now
I want to be home but the current wont allow
I want to be at peace and get this load off me
I have no will, no desire.. to proceed.
So now im just afloat without any want
My boat is weak, soon it may drown..

I see im approaching the wide blue ocean
The sight fills me with body feels limp..
Dont throw me here oh please..
I dont know how to swim.


Longer queues..Longer presentations..still longer discussions..
Flow Charts..Diagrams..Conferences..
Complex charts..complex diagrams..Boring conferences
Write-ups...irk-some write-ups..
Drives..jams..long jams..
Is it ok to do something you dont want for yourself..Is this what 'Gods bigger plan for you' means??

Thursday, September 18, 2008


It was a boring day..though the weather was nice..i was made to sit through a stupid press conference and my only saviour was the music player, so i plugged my ears and drifted through it.
11.30 am:
I dont know if any of you have experienced this but when the noise of the world is blocked away the images around appear straight out of some movie. Like today during the conference my player hummed Beatles-'Lucy in the sky' to me,the voices around were shut out and i could only see a muted world..a world that seemed to dance to the music.. the cameras flashed, people smiled, silver sovenirs blazed under yellow Halogens...i almost felt like a spectator witnessing a stage-act.

4.30 p.m.
On my way back home..player still plugged this time its Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan..The song is called goes like this:
Jhoomta aa raha kyun baadal
Ye bhi shayad koi sharaabi hai
Chaal mastana nazar gulabi hai..

I look out towads the sky the breeze is cool and i see the birds gliding in the wind..i wonder if they sometimes fly for fun... i shut my eyes and gather the view..
Click!! Its a perfectly real picture..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Delhi oh Delhi

I went to Chandani Chowk today,im a delhi-ite and im almost chagrined to confess that this was my first visit to the place ( since the gaa gaa goo goo days). My cousin's wedding date has been fixed for the 31st of october so basically i went shopping. I live in a part of the city that is skirted with shopping malls so that is our usual destination for any sort of shopping...But honestly it has never been so much fun.
Parking is a huge problem in delhi so we werent very keen on driving to the place, our second option was the metro but my mother is very impatient and prefers quick auto rides over anything else (except cars). So we reached Chandani Chowk and went to the reccomended shop for all the purchasing. It is a hugeeeeeeeee Market and you will get everything under the sun. There are innumerable lanes called 'katras' and each katra has around 1500 shops so you can imagine the kind of variety. After all the shopping was done we got down to MY FAVOURITE excercise: Eating. We went to the 'Natraj dahi bhalle wala' its one of the oldest shops in Delhi and is famous for its dahi bhalla and tikki,and honestly iv not had such gilded tikki in ages..Next was the Paranthe Wali gali..the heavily stuffed aloo and gobhi parantha with dhaniya chutney and alloo ki sabzi was such treat. And for dessert stick kulfi and rabri at 'Ghantewala'( this shop is almost 200 years old).
After all that my stomach was stuffed and i hardly had space to breathe so we took an auto back and on our way it started pouring..(never trust the weather god) so we were drenched stuffed and tired but we were happy..
I wonder if we need so many malls in the name of development... i think we're missing out on the 'Real Delhi' charm.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The mystery of Rohinton mistry

I never imagined my archive on books will become a subject of such controversy...Medhavi apparently feels that her book-A fine Balance by Rohinton mistry-which she lend me a couple of years back,is still with me...and hence im accused of chiseling and theft. But to vindiacte my position i offer you the history.
Medhavi came down to Delhi from Pune and she wanted to meet me, but due to some prior commitments i could not meet her on the decided she made a long whining call exhibiting her forte: sarcasm,and hung up saying she wanted her book despite any plans i went to college and handed over the book to a common friend so that medhavi could take it from her,we did not talk for a couple of months till i gave her a call on the new years eve. After all these years and all that 'tamasha' she tells me she doesnt know where the book is and she doesnt remember who she gave it too..The ''ooh so precious" book!!

A for आटा B for bata

Have you ever wondered about the origin of different languages??I had never really given it a thought until recently..Im learning french, and sometimes to get the pronunciation right i have to find parallels in hindi..For instance June in french is 'Juin' pronounced as जूँआ (which literally means lice) and Monday is 'Lundi'but pronounced as 'lengthy'(yeah that one got me too..sheesh) Tuesday is 'Mardi' pronounced as मारदी there are many other english words that i discovered have sankrit etymology like cot from sanskrit 'khatva' (cot),candy from 'khanda' (sugar) jungle from 'jangala-s ' meaning arid and musk from muska-s which means 'a testicle'..isnt musk fragrance used in aromatherapy..i wonder what that means..whatever it is im not liking this humble research!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gyre of life

There are some days that make you feel like a vegetable developing roots...time just stagnates around you and then there are some that turn you around 180 degrees making you ecstatic ( you drink) or extremely upset (of course you drink) (in either of the throw up...who says human reaction is unpredictable??) My weekend was a 180 degree rotation.. heres why:


I met sanjay after a long week..we went to C.P. together and had sumptuous lunch at banana leaf( its one of the best restraunts for south indian food in delhi) Its a small place and offers no decor but the food is brilliant.At 5 we went to Pvr Plaza for The Last Lear i loved the movie...its a must must watch for all theatre enthusiasts.

We stepped out of the theatre at 7.30 to find the roads deserted... there had been 5 serial blasts in Delhi (two in cp) within 45 minutes...As we walked that road outside plaza suddenly devoid of life and exuberance on a saturday evening my only thought was the fragility of human life and happiness...Someone somwhere must have 'planned' a perfect saturday with family...

Maybe we're just creatures in search of exaltation. We dont have much of it. Our lives are not what we deserve;they are, let us agree, in many painful ways deficient.

Salman Rushdie


Today in the evening i was trying to paint our पूजा। Im actually a kumaoni and we paint our puja place in red and white and there are a few typical designs that are looks beautiful, iv put a picture on top.. so basically i was just trying to be a good daughter and while i was at it my elbow knocked down the bottle of white paint and i spilt it on my feet,my hand and on the floor..its 8 now and im trying to get this paint off me and my mother is grumpily mumbling. Sigh!!!

Ye Buffet Buffet kya hai??

Iv tried over and over again to keep up this blog...but iv realised that i belong to the category of people who cannot follow the 'incy wincy spider' story... i either foget or i lose i thought i should do somethng to feel motivated to write this blog..and the only things that keeps me motivated is if your looking for any depth in the title of my blog..ti li li li..