Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A for आटा B for bata

Have you ever wondered about the origin of different languages??I had never really given it a thought until recently..Im learning french, and sometimes to get the pronunciation right i have to find parallels in hindi..For instance June in french is 'Juin' pronounced as जूँआ (which literally means lice) and Monday is 'Lundi'but pronounced as 'lengthy'(yeah that one got me too..sheesh) Tuesday is 'Mardi' pronounced as मारदी there are many other english words that i discovered have sankrit etymology like cot from sanskrit 'khatva' (cot),candy from 'khanda' (sugar) jungle from 'jangala-s ' meaning arid and musk from muska-s which means 'a testicle'..isnt musk fragrance used in aromatherapy..i wonder what that means..whatever it is im not liking this humble research!!


Medhavi said...

Whoa!! u learning French.. n here college has blocked Google Translate..!! sheeesh!

Dude..wd u please find out what Chicken means in French.. any resemblance to my name would be appreciated - u knw.. the whole inseparable bond would thus be proven!

N all MBA students dislike Research! ha!

p.s: Je vous aime!

shivani said...

gr8 u learning french..hav a frnd u knws french..i dont really rembr..there is a word in french which i dont knw wat it means..hehe..it is pronounced 'kutree' or something like dat in french..something related to kutta only..haha..
ny more french words which have a gaali meaning to it??:D